Dr Danie Joubert turn 100 today

9 April 2015

dr danie joubertHappy 100th birthday today to South Africa’s oldest Wine Legend, Dr Danie Joubert. He received the award as a Wine Legend for his enormous contribution to the Wine Industry at the Veritas Awards Dinner in October 2010. Dr Joubert made his mark in the wine industry during four decades at Elsenburg’s viticultural and wine making departments.

He will be remembered for his contribution to the creation of the cellar technology diploma course that covered the full spectrum of requirements for the training of wine makers and viticulturists, his role as lecturer, as well as for his research on yeast strains and root fungi. The centenarian received some Double Gold src= and Gold src= wines from Veritas where he is celebrating this milestone with his family at home in Rawsonville today. #Veritas #legend