15 June 2016

Entries for this year’s Veritas Awards are awaited. Producers who wish to adorn their finest wines and brandies with the coveted Veritas emblem of excellence, have until 10 August to submit their entries. Late submissions will be accepted until 17 August.

The Veritas Awards is South Africa’s most prestigious wine competition. Wine cognoscenti and consumers trust a Veritas award as an unrivalled seal of quality.

More than 100 international and local wine experts will convene at the Nederburg Auction complex from 06-09 September to put contenders through a rigorous judging process. Judges are carefully selected to represent professionals from the entire industry and include winemakers, brandy masters, researchers, Cape Wine Masters, academics and merchants.

The winning wines and brandies will be announced at the CTICC on Friday 07 October. Double gold and gold medallists will have the opportunity to showcase their winning wines and brandies countrywide at consumer tastings in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Knysna during October and November.

Entry forms are available online at For more information, contact the Veritas office on tel 021 863 1599 or e-mail [email protected].

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